
Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Adiós 2015

 Some important lessons/things that I learned in 2015:

  • "Some people come into your life as blessings, and some as lessons."
This means that some people (your family and friends) were put into your life to be happy and thankful. On the other hand some people were put into your life as a lesson, to make you stronger than you were before, and overcome anything you were afraid to do.
  • "Drama doesn't just walk into your life. You either create it, invite it, or you associate with people who love to bring it into your life."
I think this is true because there's no way you can be in drama unless you're some how associated with it, even if you're just standing there and watching. Drama will bite you in the butt.   :)

     My learning goals for school is to try harder. Sometimes I procrastinate, do things the last minute which is a bad habit. If I find something hard sometimes I give up which isn't good either. This year, I will try to procrastinate less, work harder, not give up, and study more for tests.

         Happy New Year!


  1. I agree with you, it seems like drama is always in our lives, no matter what we do drama will always be there and we will maybe get pushed into the drama.

  2. I like your quotations, and I am going to share the one about drama with my youngest daughter. Her class is full of drama, and I like how the quotation you chose shows that she can take some responsibility to try and stay away from it. :)
