
Sunday, January 31, 2016


          A delicious Polish food that my mom and grandma make is pierogi. They're dough (kind of like dumplings) with a savory filling, and there are so many varieties of fillings. Like meat, sweet white cheese, sauerkraut and/or mushrooms, blueberries with sugar, fresh strawberries, and much more. These are just one of the most popular types of mouthwatering pierogi, which the pierogi with meat are my  favorite. I remember the first time I ever ate pierogi, and the second I first bit into it I fell in love, it was the meat filled pierogi that I first tried which has always been and will always be my favorite pierogi. Also, pierogis could be eaten as a main course or even desert, it just depends what you make it with.

Science Class Baby- Madonna

     Unfortunately Dua's and I daughter Madonna doesn't fit in at school. She only has one friend named Rico but he moved back to Spain. Anyways, my daughter gets bullied a lot by the way she looks. People call her a balloon since she has a big belly, they even call her pig face since her nose sadly does look like a pig's nose. It's because of a disorder she has, it's called pignosus and it's very rare. People also make fun of her feet since they are kind of huge and she only has two toes on each foot.  I explained to her that it's because of heredity, and she can't change herself. I told her that beauty is not at all about appearance. True beauty comes from the insides, and the more you show your true self, the more beautiful you really are. I also told her to join clubs based on things she likes to do, that way she'll make true friends who will not care how she looks like. So, she joined the cooking and photography club which is really working for her since she already has a couple of good friends.

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Place Where I've Traveled: Poland

     A beautiful place I've traveled before with my family is Poland, in fact I've been there 4 times. It's so gorgeous there, especially where both my parents lived which was in the mountains in the southern part of Poland called Zakopane. Even though they came from two different towns, from where they lived they always had the most outstanding views of the mountains. I remember the summer of 2014 when I visited Poland with my family we stayed in my mom's house where she grew up, it was really sunny and warm. There were a lot of attractions where we went like the Bukowina, which was one of the coolest indoor and outdoor pool I've ever been to. There's also Nowy Targ, which is kind of like a shopping center where you can honestly get the best ice cream and waffles ever, I mean it. The Wieliczka is basically a salt mine where you can literally lick the walls since everything is made out of salt. The depth of it is 1,073 ft.  and is over 178 miles long. Yea, it would kind of be scary getting lost in there. Overall, I had so much fun in Poland, from the views, to the food, to the old castles, to the beaches, and especially seeing my family that lives there.


Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Movie Review: Unbroken

Unbroken (Spoiler)

    This an incredible jaw dropping movie that I honestly love, it will make you smile and even cry. It has a lot of action and drama, and its also based on a true story. I would rate it 9/10. It's about about a boy named Louis Zamperini who always got into trouble in school and out of school, and had a bad reputation. Until, his older brother helped him change that. His brother discovered that Louis had an amazing talent for running and always trained him for competitions. He was so good that he was qualified to the 1936 Olympics, it's crazy to realize that he later becomes a USA Olympian. But, later on WWll broke out which made Louie go to the military. While he was on a plane during a bombing mission something tragic happens, BAM. The plane gets bombed and Louie gets stuck on a raft right in the middle of the Pacific Ocean. He tries to survive 47 days in the middle of nowhere with barely any food or water, including a shark attack with 2 other of his friends. Which one sadly dies later on while they're still stuck on the raft. Until, he finally gets rescued but, by the enemy, a Japanese navy. Then, he was sent to multiple prison camps and was tortured and humiliated a lot. At the end of the war, Louie and the other prisoners finally get to go back home to his family. 

Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Adiós 2015

 Some important lessons/things that I learned in 2015:

  • "Some people come into your life as blessings, and some as lessons."
This means that some people (your family and friends) were put into your life to be happy and thankful. On the other hand some people were put into your life as a lesson, to make you stronger than you were before, and overcome anything you were afraid to do.
  • "Drama doesn't just walk into your life. You either create it, invite it, or you associate with people who love to bring it into your life."
I think this is true because there's no way you can be in drama unless you're some how associated with it, even if you're just standing there and watching. Drama will bite you in the butt.   :)

     My learning goals for school is to try harder. Sometimes I procrastinate, do things the last minute which is a bad habit. If I find something hard sometimes I give up which isn't good either. This year, I will try to procrastinate less, work harder, not give up, and study more for tests.

         Happy New Year!

Special Gift

      A special gift that I have received in the past which was this year for my 14th birthday. I remember my family was singing happy birthday to me while my mom was holding a bouquet of beautiful vivid flowers and a little rectangular golden and sparkly box, wrapped in a golden ribbon. I was so happy expecting that it would be a necklace. But when she handed it to me it was really light, as light as a piece of paper (*wink wink). When I opened the lid it was a piece of folded paper, for a second I was confused. I looked at the paper. I couldn't believe it. I realized that it was a ticket to go to the Ariana Grande concert, her Honeymoon Tour!! I freaked out, I was overall full of joy, shock and was so thankful. Going to that Ariana Grande concert was one of the best and most memorable days of my life, that I will never forget.