
Sunday, May 8, 2016

Graduation, and so the adventure begins

My time here at Hynes and Golf flew by so fast. It's extraordinary how quickly how my nine years of being in District 67 has gone by in the blink of an eye. I have so much to say, so let’s start from the beginning. The first day of school. I actually have a picture of my friend and I of our first day of school at Hynes. In the picture we were so happy and excited to finally be able to go to school. Of course I was nervous but, it was a great first day because I already met some really nice friends and, it was the day that I met my really sweet teacher Ms Roos, who is now Mrs. Brandess. I remember that year when we learned about butterflies, how they started out as caterpillars and turned into beautiful butterflies. If you think about it, that’s kind of the situation we have here right now. We started out as little kids ready to learn, and blossomed into young boys and young ladies full of knowledge.
Now, let's fast forward to 4th grade. The year I had Mr. G. as my teachers, he was a really fun teacher by the way. I still remember him saying that we were the big dogs of the school. It’s funny how one year you’re the big dog, but then the next year,  you have to start over. It’s interesting how much control you can have, but fast that could change. That just means you have to build up and work hard, and pass every grade ;) so you can be that big dog again. That 4th grade year was one of my favorite years at Hynes. It was also the last year of elementary school. I remember I was excited to leave elementary school because I thought I was old enough to stop walking in a straight line in the hallway with my other classmates everywhere we went. But, I was pretty sad leaving Hynes, all the nice teachers and all the memories I made with my best friends in that building for 5 years. I'll admit it we all definitely had our ups and downs, especially in middle school, that's when the drama starts and groups start to form. But somehow we’re all alive no matter how much drama that has happened. At the end of the day we all forgive each other and care about each other like a family.
Speaking of family I want to recognize and thank my family so much. Thank you for coming to all my school events like concerts and games. Making sure I did my homework. To my parents and grandma, thank you for making sure my backpack was packed when I was little and for also making my school lunches every single day. Thank you for picking me up whenever I got too frustrated about school. Lastly, thank you  for caring about me so much. Teachers, on behalf of the students thank you for committing yourselves to us, so we would have bright minds for high school and farther into the future. I thank every single teacher for striving us into being kind and bright people. For caring about us and teaching us all of your knowledge. Thank you for everything that you have done for us.
I hope that one day we’ll all conquer our goal of success. If it is being an athlete, nurse, scientists, artist, or winning a medal. I hope that we will set a goal for ourselves, and keep working hard so we can reach that goal. “You have brains in your head, feet in your shoes, you can steer yourself in any direction you choose.” this quote is by the one and only Dr. Seuss. Whatever we decide, is only up to us. Our family, friends, and teachers can help guide us, but the final decision is up to only us. We have to chose wisely of our decisions, because everything we do, affects our future. If not tomorrow, then maybe the next day, or even the next year, and beyond.
We have created so many different relationships with so many different people. Throughout these years we’ve had laughs and memories and, made some amazing friendships that will never fall apart. I will never forget the numerous memories I have made with my fellow peers. For example the the grade play, that was one of the best experiences I had. I truly had so much fun with my friends during the play, we had so many laughs. Also, I have some very special friendships that will last for eternity and I’m very thankful for those true friends. We all had a lot of happy moments in our live that we are thankful for. We also had tough moments but, those moments only made us stronger and made us learn from them. It is actually alright to go through tough times, if we didn’t we wouldn’t become stronger people, and the people we are now. Without learning and experiencing, there is no growing.
I still cannot believe that we are  graduating. All those mornings I complained about waking up, all those packed lunches I had during lunch. All those days I spent with my teachers and friends learning and growing. It’s very sad to say goodbye especially to the people you have been with since day one. Saying goodbye doesn’t always have to be sad though, it can just mean a new hello. “How lucky am I to have something that makes saying goodbye so hard.” this quote is by Winnie The Pooh. This is true, missing someone means that you care about them, it  shows that that person or people have affected your life greatly. That is why I’m really going to miss District 67.
Once again I would  like to say thank you to family, friends, and to the Hynes and Golf staff, every single one of them. Including the janitors and bus drivers, they need to be recognized. For shaping us into the marvelous, intelligent, and powerful people were are now. I would like to congratulate The Class of 2016! Thank you so much for supporting us by being here and for listening.
And now our new chapter of life begins.
