
Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Debate: Same-Sex Schools

Do students learn better in same-sex schools?

    In my opinion I think yes and no because it depends on what type of person you are. Some people don't feel comfortable learning with the opposite gender as them so they would go to a same sex school. For example some girls don't feel comfortable around boys, boys can be distracting to them, and they don't always feel comfortable raising their hand and participating worrying that a boy would make fun and criticize them. Without boys in their classes, girls are more-likely to have self-confidence, and participate more. Single-sex education takes away the distraction of the opposite sex, which lets students focus more on their school work. In co-ed schools, guys and girls try to impress each other, and worry about dating, which also starts drama. Research and reports from teachers say they suggest a kid to go to a single-sex school, "it can broaden the educational prospects". On the other hand single-sex schools don't prepare students for the real world where people will have to be with the opposite gender. Society doesn't work like that, for example you can't just avoid working with the opposite gender. They don't give kids enough of a social environment, a majority of students will one day have a career that has both genders, and employers will expect them to interact with each other. If they don't know how to interact with the opposite gender now, then when will they?  How can students be prepared for future families and workplaces without interacting with the opposite gender? Overall, I think it depends on what type of person you are and what you're comfortable with. I personally would rather go to a coed school.

Friday, December 4, 2015

*Life Lesson*

    I like this quote because it's true. It says your should always be honest, but it doesn't mean you have to be always rude to people, but being honest is the best. Telling people the truth will offend some, But that's OK. If they walk out of your life, even better. Those who walked out probably weren't your real friends in the first place. It's better to have a few really good friends, than a lot of "fake" friends.

Monday, November 30, 2015

      I really want Christmas, like right now please.

What I'm Thankful For

I'm thankful for my family and friends for always being there for me and always making me smile and laugh. Also I'm thankful for my parents who always take care of me, want the best for me, love me, and always make sure I'm happy.